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Elegance & Elephants Affiliate Program

Friday, August 16, 2013
There's something new at E&E: an affiliate program!  As you know, (or at least I hope you do!), I love creating clothing for my children and sharing what I make with you.  And those of you with blogs, are doing the same thing (I know, because I see the wonderful clothing you're making!).  And if you're making anything with E&E Patterns, this affiliate program is a great way for you to earn money, simply by placing links on your blog. Every time a customer comes here to E&E from your blog and purchases a pattern, you will earn a 20% commission from that sale.  It's really easy!  All you need is a blog and a Paypal account.

Every month, you'll receive a payment of your sales commission.  It's free to sign-up, and all you have to do is set up the links, and I'll do the rest.

While putting an image on your side bar is a great way to start, you'll probably get the most out of the program if you actively promote by showing what you've made with E&E Patterns.  I'll let you know when there are sales, too, so you can let your readers know.  So many of you are already sharing your beautifully made creations, so why not earn something at the same time, right?

There's more information on the Affiliate Program page, but if you still have any questions, feel free to ask away.

5 comments on "Elegance & Elephants Affiliate Program"
  1. Hi Amy, I have a Mac and it works for me!

  2. Hi Heidi,
    have you discontinued your affiliate program? I wanted to join, but it seems as if it doesn't exist anymore? Or is it on a new site?
    Cheers Annika

  3. Hi Heidi, I was looking to join your affiliate program, but when I tried to sign up it took me somewhere a little odd... can you let me know if you are still running it? Thanks, Leonie


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