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With Appreciation...PR&P Recap

Monday, October 22, 2012

Well, it's all over!  I still can't believe it!  What an incredible experience!  It's a strange feeling to not have to rush over to my machine whenever I have a spare moment! HA!  

As a 'sew-along-at-home' participant for several seasons, I always imagined what it must be like to actually compete as one of the designers.  In all honesty, I had no idea how exhausting it would be, but far beyond that, I never knew how incredibly rewarding it would be to be able to share what I make with such an encouraging, supportive, and genuinely kind audience.  Thank you so much to all of you who commented, e-mailed, and voted for me throughout this competition.  On days I felt like throwing in the towel and refused to even go near my machines, your words motivated me to keep going.  

I felt like a total underdog going into this experience because I'm the newest blogger, with the least followers, fans, etc.  I just hoped to stick around past the first week, and didn't even fathom getting to the end!  What I lacked in a virtual following was made up for by some incredibly supportive family & friends who diligently campaigned for me from day one.  I am so grateful for all of you!

Specifically, I would like to thank:

My husband, Michael, for being the greatest source of support I could ever ask for.  You put up with so much and turned a blind eye to everything I avoided during this competition (let's just say I'll be catching up laundry everyday this week, I'm sure!) and picked up the slack without complaint.  YOU'RE THE BEST!

My beautiful children...I'm sorry you had to watch so much during this!  We're putting the laptop, ipad, and iphones away for awhile and playing real've got your mommy back!!  :)  Tobias was so sweet through this...and surprisingly understanding.  When he'd see me checking my votes on the weekends, he'd ask "Mommy, which line (voting total) is yours?", and then when I'd show him, he'd say "YAY Mommy!!!" (regardless of what position I was in!!! HA!).  Such a sweetie!  And Anja, who had to put up with way too many trips to the fabric store instead of the playground...we're going to the play centre every day this week!

My parents...for sharing their ideas, and for being so supportive across the miles.  And it meant so much to see you be so proud of me! :) My mom especially was incredibly into this experience and made sure to send the voting link to everyone she knows each and every week!  Thank you & I love you!

My brothers for their incredible support.  Bob, I still can't believe you asked all your friends, co-workers, etc to vote for me every week.  You made it your mission to help me succeed and I appreciate you more than you know!

My other family & friends for sharing, linking, and just overall sweet words of encouragement.  I hope I wasn't too annoying asking for votes every week!  :)  

And to three friends who I haven't even met:
Shannon - what an incredibly sweet friend you have become...I can't thank you enough for everything! You have a heart of gold.
Jessica - Thanks for all the honest feedback, and for helping me believe I could do this, right from day one!
Melissa - such an inspiration and so willing to listen when I needed to throw an e-mail your way...THANK YOU!  :)

liZ and Elizabeth - without your hard work, there wouldn't even be a Project Run & Play.  Thank you so much for the opportunity to be a part of this and for everything you do to make PR&P a reality.

And last but certainly not least, the ladies I shared this season with: DeliaJustineKimboChristinaHayleyLindsay, and Rachel.  It was so nice to meet you all through this and I wish you the very best as you continue to inspire others with your incredible talent.  

8 comments on "With Appreciation...PR&P Recap"
  1. What an amazing season! Congrats on all you accomplished.

  2. Congratulations Heidi, I enjoyed checking out your outfits and your competition. Thank you for sharing your talent and inspiring me!

  3. Congratulations! I was so impressed by all your outfits. Seriously don't know where you found the time each week... Time for feet up and a glass of bubbly I think!

  4. You did an incredible job! I loved all the outfits you made, all the little details you added. Seeing everything you made is truly inspiring. =)

  5. Heidi! It has been a pleasure to get to know you and be part of PRaP with you. Your talent and attention to detail inspires me. Congratulations!

  6. Oh I love seeing all your beautiful looks together like that! You did amazing work and I'm so happy about what you accomplished. Congrats Heidi!!


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